Friday, June 8, 2018

Solo Gaming Goals: Making a Win Feel Like a Win

When you win a board game against other live players, you get that exhilaration - that RUSH - that you bested your friends in the same game, using your own unique strategy. Somehow, you tactfully (or luckily) accumulated enough points in however so many goals to exceed everyone else, making you the clear victor as you jump up and down with both fists in the air. Everyone else huddles over the board, wondering where everything went wrong or sideways for themselves as you happily log your victory in your stats app, admiring the list of other players' names that are not marked with a win.

When you win a board game against the game, you get a sigh. That's it.

Friday, June 1, 2018

A WIP - WIPping Back Into Shape

I said WIPping, not WHIPPING. But now I want strawberries...

Excluding this very paragraph, I don't want to write anything here talking about "oh I've been busy with life to blog about board games" or the like. It's a waste of space, pointless to elaborate on, and is all a colorful excuse to sum up a long hiatus. Personally, I've grown weary of writing them, so let's move cracking the WIP three times!