*Reborns as 90% board games, 10% everything else, 5% lard, 15% not familiar with percentages.*
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Beyond Good and Evil...another sequel may appear
Beyond Good and Evil is one of the best stories out there. Sure, it's a great game, but when the story really drives you to completing it, that's something else on a whole new level. So imagine my enjoyment when I hear that its sequel has been in development for a year now, and is merely awaiting pickup from UbiSoft to really get going in production.
UbiSoft...do NOT let this game go. This is a freaken cult-following goldmine, and if you back up the developers, you will reap huge profits. Your profits will reap huge profits. And your profits' little profits will reap huge huge profits. You like money, right? Make this game happen! Jade is depending on you!!
Crap, I still have a copy of BGaE kicking around somewhere... I should really play that, I missed out and never even heard of the game until years after it's release.
Yes. In fact, I was trying my best to go back and complete it a second time around, since I really love the story so much to go back. I certainly hope for a sequel - one of the few games that really deserve one, and one that should've gotten much more recognition during its release.
Crap, I still have a copy of BGaE kicking around somewhere... I should really play that, I missed out and never even heard of the game until years after it's release.
You've beaten it W?
Yes. In fact, I was trying my best to go back and complete it a second time around, since I really love the story so much to go back. I certainly hope for a sequel - one of the few games that really deserve one, and one that should've gotten much more recognition during its release.
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