Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Zero Punctuation review: Devil May Cry 4

Usually, the "lazy" in "Lazy Wednesday" kicks in quick, and I never get a post out until by the end of the day - though you guys never know, since anytime I save a post's progress, it keeps the time I initiated it, not the time I posted it.

But that's beside the point. The point is, this week's Zero Punctuation review is on Devil May Cry 4, and you will do yourself a great injustice not to view this.'s that good.

What? You don't believe me? Sigh...okay, I know this goes against everything I bitched about before, but if you must know, it tickled my DeLorean funny bone. There, happy? Now listen to this hypocrite (points to myself) and watch the damn video already!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Confirmed. The only thing the latest Devil May Cry has going for it is, it shares my initials... DMC

I played the demo on 360 and decided within 10 min that I would not spend money on it.