So I finally watched King of Kong last night, since it was recently released on dvd and I never got a chance to watch it in theaters. I have to say, even for someone like myself that really enjoys his games, the people portrayed (apart from Steve Wiebe) looked stereotypically geeky. I mean, friends-with-the-characters-in-Revenge-of-the-Nerds geeky. A geek on the street would look at this documentary and call the people in there geeks. A part of me wished this was a mockumentary. Really.
Aside from the dork-umentary, the story captivated the competitive gamer in me, and made me a fan of Steve Wiebe, if only because he will surpass Billy Mitchell.
If you're a video game fan - even better, a retro video game fan - you should really check this dvd out. Also, the reverse-cover Scott Campbell artwork is wicked awesome!
[Update] Sorry for the misspelling. I meant Steve Wiebe, not Wiede.
This movie was awesome. I felt the same way you did about Wiebe. Billy is a big, fat douche and Twin Galaxies sucks. They proclaim themselves to be a "worldwide authority on player rankings", while blatantly ignoring most scores outside of the US of A, especially the Japanese scores. Check out their Ikaruga record. Give me a break. I could beat that score on the first level.
Wow...didn't know about their rejection of scores outside the US. Makes Billy a bigger jerk than I thought. The workings of Twin Galaxies are archaic, and their site only overlays their original, not brining them up to modern technology. They need to find better ways to validate scores, too. Just because they're the oldest ones doing this doesn't make them the best.
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