Thursday, January 29, 2015

Legacy III: The Epic End to the Trilogy

So, about 2 months ago, I blogged about my Twitter tale that started with a Portal Games sale at BGGCon, and the awkwardness mess that ensued.

Long story short, I asked Ignacy to sign a game he didn't design (Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy), and ended up getting Imperial Settlers instead. Inside, however, Ignacy acknowledged my mistake in the only way he knows how.

I knew, then, what I had to do.


Not too long ago, I received an email for contributing to Rodney Smith's "Watch It Played" season campaign. One of the perks was to claim 3 different promo items. Among the list were 3 specific cards for Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy. I did not own the game at the time, but what better incentive to grab it than to claim the three custom Legacy cards?

PortalKon Sale

The other half of this redemption came simply from the Portal Games site itself. They're holding the 5th annual PortalKon on January 31st, and to celebrate with those that can't make it, they're having a sale until the end of the month on certain items. Guess what was one of the items on the list?

I bought Legacy along with a couple other items, and am eagerly awaiting its delivery.

To Ignacy and Michiel...

I do apologize to you both for getting my designers mixed up, and I am extremely excited to be playing Legacy soon. This was a mistake I was glad to fix, and I look forward to playing more of both Legacy and Imperial Settlers in the future!

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