*Reborns as 90% board games, 10% everything else, 5% lard, 15% not familiar with percentages.*
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Zero Punctuation review: Siren Blood Curse
Just lemme slap on the whole "NSFW" tag on this baby, and we'll be all set to go.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Gameritis Site Update: New Links Section

Also, if you want to view some messed up web comics, then Hopeless Empty Abyss comes highly recommended. And if you want to see what other people eat around the world GPS-style, Munchmaze will serve as your visual guide.
Please check back often, as this site AND links section continue to grow!
Ultimate Shooting Collection comes home.
However, that excitement was soon marred by the Freeloader, which didn't hold itself accountable for any updates Nintendo would do to lock out non-party software, immediately making it less than a piece of shit and leaving me high and dry with an import game that I will never play.
Fast-forward to today, when I find out that not only was the game picked up and released in the US under the title Ultimate Shooter Collection, but that it had been done late January of this year. Now, after many months and a good discount later, I have a playable copy of the game in my hands.
To think that it's been almost a year since I wanted to play this game...
[UPDATE] Want to know how brief a window I had with Milestone Shooter Collection? I reported my purchase of the import back in June 2nd, 2008, and the Freeloader was locked out in June 18th of that same year. Mutha-
Monday, April 27, 2009
Little Big Planet's free Creator's Pack

Looks like I'll be getting creative again real soon.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Zero Punctuation review: Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.
I think the chances that Yahtzee enjoys a game largely depend on whether it's a recognizable title. Because I hardly bat an eye for the game above (not gonna type out the name again, too many periods), does it mean that it's a sleeper hit? Well, considering that they don't complicate the controls and gameplay too much is probably a plus, huh?
Anyways, NSFW goodness below...enjoy!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Rhythm Heaven...finished!

While there are a couple of mini-games that had me pulling my hair a number of times, the game as a whole is still a worthwhile experience, and one that shouldn't be missed by any music gamer.
And don't let all those nay-sayers dissuade you from a purchase because of the English localization in the songs. It's only for a handful of games, and, while one or two are a pain to hear, the music is still tap-rific. Plus, most of the other mini-games retained their Japanese audio tracks anyways.
A must-tap title that will garner much replay value long after you finish the game, Rhythm Heaven is an awesome game-on-the-go!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Zero Punctuation review: Madworld
You'd think that a game that finally glorifies violence on the Wii would see enough attention. Well, that's partly the case - now, people find the game too over the top. Then, amongst the bickering people, are those that want to know how the game plays and feels. That's where Yahtzee comes in.
NSFW, obviously. Enjoy!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Paying one price, getting multiple games

Such is the question that has occasionally been popping up ever since more and more quality games have been appearing across consoles. Games like Bonsai Barber and Bit.Trip Beat on the Wii are showing some unique gameplay fair on the Wii, while Flower and Noby Noby Boy grace the PS3. Even Art Style Aquia on the DSi is a very decent and addicting puzzler, and that was only 500 points, or $5. And using the free 1000 points with the DSi purchase, it was an even greater incentive to acquire.
Let's run down the numbers, shall we?
Bonsai Barber (Wii) = 1000 points = $10
Bit.Trip Beat (Wii) = 600 points = $6
Flower (PS3) = $9.99
Noby Noby Boy (PS3) = $4.99
Art Style Aquia (DSi) = 500 points = $5
Grand Total = $35.98
Typical video game = $49.99 to $59.99, before tax.
At worst, you save yourself about $14 from your typical Wii title and get 5 games across 3 consoles. At best, you save $24 from your typical PS3 or Xbox 360 title. Not to mention no extra boxes or discs to fiddle with.
And you wonder why people still complain about the price of DLC games.
Hammerin' Hero, along with a GameStop story

But when they tell you that you're the only one that placed a pre-order for Hammerin' Hero, that sorta puts you in your place. Was I the only one interested in this game? Was I the only one interested in the free extras? Was I the only Atlus faithful that visited that store?
Maybe no one has time to try out the quirkiness of Japanese humor all rolled up into a game. Maybe people don't like the extra figurines that come with the pre-order, even though they come in nice boxes and not just doled out in plastic bags.
Whatever the case, I felt "special" that day. Not exactly the good or bad kind - an indifferent "special" feeling.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Zero Punctuation review: GTA: Chinatown Wars
So, unlike Yahtzee, I wasn't aware of all the issues that plagued the old format for the franchise, and was blissfully ignorant of the game's shortcomings.
But you got to give him credit...he doesn't absolutely hate the game. And that's big for him, seeing that he doesn't like many DS games.
NSFW goodness below, enjoy!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Nintendo DSi and Rhythm Heaven have arrived!

Seeing as my DS Lite has seen some wear-and-tear around the edges and controls, as well as becoming less responsive on the touch screen, I think it was time for an upgrade.
Should you fork over extra money for the latest iteration of the dual-screen portable? I think the best gauge at if you should buy it would be relative to how long ago you purchased the DS Lite. For me, it was a day one purchase, and it's certainly seen its share of awesome games in the past, well worn throughout. If you made a DS Lite purchase not too long ago, then I probably suggest waiting it out a few more months to dive into a purchase.
Diving in, I tried out the one feature I was really looking forward to - swapping games without turning the system off. I hated having to constantly power-down the system just to change games. Now, it's just a matter of pressing the Power button to return to the system's OS and swap out the cart for another.
Of course, there are a slew of new features on the device to mess around with, including the slightly larger screens, dual cameras, and the DSiWare shop. But I'll fiddle with those features soon enough.
Released at the same time was the game Rhythm Heaven as well. I'll simply describe it as a vacation from games like Ouendan or Elite Beat Agents. Expect a review of the game shortly at Akiba-Station!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April Fools Shenanigans: Zero Punctuation and Unskippable
Wait a tic...it is Mystery Science Theater 3000 for video games. So yeah, if you like Mystery Science Theater shtick, then check it out.
Even the people from Unskippable try to do Yahtzee's job this week reviewing X-Blades...emphasis on "try."
In any case, here are both videos for you to peruse. Yahtzee's definitely NSFW, but the other should be enjoyed by all.
Zero Punctuation: Halo Wars