*Reborns as 90% board games, 10% everything else, 5% lard, 15% not familiar with percentages.*
Sunday, March 9, 2008
The time is 7:30 am, no thanks to Daylight Savings Time. As with any launch, I'm preparing to be there at least an hour in advance. But 2 factors make me think that not many people will be there; (1) it's only a game launch, and (2) most people probably got it during the midnight launch from some of the other GameStop stores.
No matter. I'll be there with my DS in hand, hoping to run into a few friends during the process, and ultimately bringing home my Super Smash Bros Brawl ASAP.
Some of those kids in line were INSUFFERABLY nerded out- One of them found some conversational window to let Rhett know that he has ADD or some other learning disability and that made the three year wait for Brawl "So much harder for him." WTF?
Alert! Your wife has taken off!
Some of those kids in line were INSUFFERABLY nerded out- One of them found some conversational window to let Rhett know that he has ADD or some other learning disability and that made the three year wait for Brawl "So much harder for him." WTF?
Wow, gamers who can't make small talk shouldn't talk at all....
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