Friday, September 28, 2007

TGIF, video games, and cats

It's Friday. And I'm tired. Probably because I'm making slow but steady progress in the two games that are currently occupying my time. What will you guys play this weekend?

I need to find a good crockpot to sleep in...


Anonymous said...

Okami! I got the thing the day it was released practically and got distracted... Now that I'm delving into it once again this weekend I'm stunned anew by it's brilliance- For a Zelda clone, it almost manages to IMPROVE upon that foundation, and don't even get me started on it's art and sound design *gurgle*

*Pours out a BAWLS for team Clover*

How IS Rogue Galaxy? I haven't played a Level 5 game since Dark Cloud 2, (Which one of my room mates is playing through now... Without using the RidePod.)

Unknown said...

Rogue Galaxy is item-collecting-and-merging crack. Plus, there are too many side quests, but I say that in a positive way. I'm still playing my way through it, but the great story is really what's driving me to finish the game.

And your party's not stupid, either! The battles are free-roaming, but they won't go wasting your items or doing random shit that'll get them dead faster than Britney Spear's career - they always prompt you during battle if they can use an item or perform an ability, which can easily be executed with the shoulder buttons.

All in all, it's another hit with Level 5. Highly recommended!